Genesis 1:1-5
Acts 19:1-7
Psalm 29
Mark 1:4-11
Dear Friends,
The opening words of Genesis point us to the Creator/Father who speaks light into the dark and formless void. The Spirit/wind of God moves over the face of the waters and God brings forth the light and order that allow life to begin.
Mark’s Gospel records the baptism of Jesus in response to the call of John to all of Israel to be restored to God. Jesus is the one who John says will baptize with the Holy Spirit – that same spirit that moves at the beginning of creation. This very Spirit descends upon Jesus, and just as God was pleased to call the light good on the “first day of creation,” so God is pleased to affirm Jesus his son. The light of creation has come among us in Jesus.
In chapter 19 of Acts of the Apostles, Paul comes to a community of believers who have not yet heard of the Holy Spirit. It is explained how, in addition to John’s baptism of repentance, Jesus comes to baptize with the Holy Spirit, and they are so baptized.
Comment: How amazing that the Spirit of the One who created all things, the Spirit who came upon Jesus, also comes to be with and in us! God’s desire is to “inspire” each of us with his very own breath of life and love. More amazing perhaps is our human ability to quench this gift, let alone refuse to let it be kindled at all. May we say “yes” each day to the Creator, who desires to name us as his own beloved and inspired children. God grant me the courage to live as your child today.
David S. Robinson, Rector