1 Corinthians 6:12-20
1 Samuel 3:1-10
Psalm 139
John 1:43:51
The boy Samuel is destined to be a great prophet of God. But he must first learn how to identify when the word of the Lord speaks and how to respond. Hearing his name in the night, he does not recognize the Lord’s call and thinks he is being called by his master, the High Priest Eli. Eli sees this and teaches the boy how to respond to the Lord’s call upon him.
In John’s Gospel a new follower of Jesus named Philip brings his skeptical friend Nathanael to see Jesus. Jesus reveals that he already knows Nathanael with a supernatural sight and Nathanael is quite impressed. But Jesus claims much more: that the very messages delivered by angels directly from the presence of God are now coming to us in Jesus himself.
Paul challenges the Christians of Corinth to learn how to discern what it means to be truly spirit filled people who belong to God through faith in Jesus Christ. All of their life, including their bodily life and community life, has become a “temple of the Holy Spirit” – a place that is dedicated to the worship of God.
Comment: The gift of God’s own Spirit is given to his people as God chooses and for God’s own purposes. Have you every felt that God was addressing you? Have you ever been given “a message?” Like the boy Samuel, and like the new Christians of Corinth, God does send his “voice” and his Spirit to engage us! Lord, in this busy and chaotic world, full of the noise of voices and spirits that are NOT from you, help me to learn to hear your voice! Give me the courage to respond and say “Here I am, ready to hear and serve!”