Sunday February 11th was a big day here at St. Matthew’s. During our 9:00 worship service, we celebrated both of the dominical sacraments, Baptism and the Eucharist. While every Eucharist is a special event, this particular Eucharist was extra special because six children received their first communion during the service.
As part of their preparation, the youth met with a group of people weekly and ended their time of preparation with a weekend retreat. As part of their retreat, they made the bread used during the service on Sunday, decorated candles representing the light of Christ in their lives, and ended their time together with the White Garment Ceremony and a festive dinner.
Finally, on Sunday during the service, the six youth processed into the service, sat together and received their first communion as a group. It was a wonderfully joyous service.
Pictures from the retreat and service can be found on our flickr page.
Please join us in praying for them on this momentous occasion. They are:
Josh Caddick
Nolin Carter
Abigail Mundell
Samantha Rehr
Tyler Rehr
Christian Zakrzewski