Lectionary Notes

Readings and Reflections for the Fifth Sunday in Lent

Jeremiah 31:31-34
Hebrews 5:5-10
John 12:20-33

Dear Friends,

The Prophet Jeremiah announces a new covenant between God and his people.  Unlike the covenant given through Moses, written on stone, this covenant will be “written” upon the hearts of the people, and they shall know God, and God will forgive their previous covenant unfaithfulness.

The Letter to the Hebrews describes the priesthood of Jesus.  By his faithfulness and “reverent submission” to God, Jesus becomes the source of life with God for all who obey him.

In John’s Gospel we hear of some Greeks who wish to see Jesus.  Jesus declares that it is time for him to be glorified – he will be lifted up for all to see.  But the way to that glory is a surprise: it is the grain of wheat that falls into the earth and dies that bears much fruit, and he calls his disciples to follow him in this way of dying to the world in order to be raised up in God’s life.

Comments:  Our readings describe for us a God who seeks a heart to heart relationship with us.  When I see Jesus, I see what that kind of heart to heart communion really looks like and I am humbled.  His trust in God, even when facing death with “loud cries and tears,” seems impossible for me to duplicate. The amazing good news of our faith is that Jesus has done this for us. We need only to welcome the gift of his sacrifice.  His heart and mind are one with God the Father! He brings me into the Father’s life under the wings of his own genuine and complete trust. So I cling to his promise: “Whoever serves me, the Father will honor.”  My service in the name of Jesus is flawed and faltering, but how can I not offer it to him? He asks not for perfection, but for love.

David S. Robinson, Rector
Saint Matthew’s Episcopal Church
Maple Glen, PA 19002