Lectionary Notes

Readings and Reflections for the Second Sunday of Easter

Acts 4:32-35
1 John 1:1-2:2
Psalm 133
John 20:19-31

The preacher today is Rev. Jay Walton

Dear Friends,

John 20:19-31 – John’s account of Jesus’ resurrection appearances includes the giving of peace to troubled and fearful disciples, the sending of the disciples as Jesus was sent, and the power of the Holy Spirit to engage that ministry and offer God’s forgiveness (or not!) of sin.  Thomas is really no different than the others in having his doubts, just one week later.  In this way John can emphasize the invitation to overcome our doubt that Jesus is the Messiah who gives life to those who trust and follow Christ.

John 1:1:7 –  In this letter, John witnesses that the risen Christ was seen and touched by his and the other disciples hands.  He invites everyone into that fellowship of belief, and notes that this is not abstract philosophy about life or “light overcoming darkness.” Belief is always expressed in our lifestyle.

Acts 4:32-35 – The early Christian community, freshly gathered by the event of Pentecost, shows us a community that is walking in light, sent as Jesus is sent.  This is what it looks like when the Holy Spirit is leading a group of believers.  A powerful witness to the resurrection of Jesus is being made by those who believe, and there is great generosity of caring for one another’s practical needs.

Comment:  God is light, showing me and you the way, giving us the power to be his people.  Through the Risen Jesus, God sends us to carry this news to our world, with particular emphasis on the work of extending forgiveness.  People (all of us) live in darkness and sin, but can be caught up and set free by the light and forgiveness of a loving God.  We have a great purpose and may need to make some changes in our lives to be part of that purpose.  How can I be a person who extends God’s peace and mercy to the people I see today, to my family, to my workers and all who I meet in the grocery store or on social media?

David S. Robinson, Rector
Saint Matthew’s Episcopal Church
Maple Glen, PA 19002