I am pleased to announce that with advice and approval of the Vestry, I have called Anthony Carrella to serve as Coordinator for Youth Ministry at St. Matthew’s. He will begin his ministry on Tuesday, October 22, 2019. I wanted there to be an overlap for Anthony to be introduced to the youth by Fr. Jay Walton before Jay begins work at his new church. He will work part-time.
Anthony comes to us from St. Paul’s, Chestnut Hill where he built a strong ministry to youth, enhancing the culture of faith formation and advocating for the unique needs of children and youth and their families. He coordinated major youth mission trips to the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation and led a delegation of youth and adults on an eight-day mission trip and spiritual pilgrimage.
Anthony has also partnered with the Bishop, Canons, and colleagues in youth ministry in establishing Diocesan youth activities which helped connect the youth of St. Paul’s to the Diocesan Youth Network.
Anthony is collegial in his ministry style, focusing on building relationships with youth, youth advisors and parents. He brings spiritual depth and maturity that will provide a strong example to our youth.
Anthony holds a Bachelor of Music in Music Education from Westminster Choir College. He has served as Director of Youth Music Ministry at Community Congregational Church in Short Hills, NJ. He is a soloist (Counter Tenor), has offered private voice lessons, and planned and conducted vocal ensembles.
He holds certificates in Interfaith Dialogue, Opioid Overdose Reversal (Narcan/Naxolone), Godly Play CORE, and membership in International Association of the Study of Youth Ministry, and Forma the Network for Christian Formation.
Anthony comes highly recommended by Fr. Jay, and The Rev. Emily Richards at St. Peter’s, Glenside. Both have worked with him extensively and affirm his rich skills.
Because Anthony will be splitting his time with us and Overbrook Presbyterian (where he is interim Sunday School coordinator and part of the music ministry), he will be with us the first Sunday morning of each month, three Sunday afternoons and evenings, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays (by appointment). He will be available to youth and parents and interface with all who are working with our youth. He and I will work closely together.
I know you will welcome him with gracious St. Matthew’s hospitality.
In Christ,
The Rev. Canon Dr. Peter B. Stube, Interim Rector