The Vestry is creating two committees, the Church Profile Committee, and the Search Committee to lead us through the transition process. The Church Profile Committee is being led by Joe Buesgen, and the Search Committee by Tim Walsh. Both are finalizing the group of members to assist with the committees, taking careful consideration to include as diverse a cross-section of our parish members as possible. Joe and Tim will be reaching out to those church members in the next few weeks to ask for their help and commitment to work on these committees.
The Church Profile Committee is tasked with defining who the church is and gleaning a collective vision of who we want to become. They will do this by conducting surveys, having small group discussions and in other ways not yet defined. Efforts will be made to hear from our entire congregation to build this vision. The parish profile will be published to clergy who may be interested in our calling.
The Search Committee will then screen and interview clergy candidates that best enable St. Matthew’s to grow towards this vision. At the end of the process, the Search Committee will present a candidate(s) to Vestry for a vote on the new rector.
Arlette Joseph, the Canon for Transition suggested we use the services of an outside consultant to assist us in the process. Most churches in transition do. The consultant’s experience with church transitions will facilitate a more thorough and proficient process. Joe has already reached out to 5 prospective consultants, and is arranging interviews with the 3 that expressed interest and availability. All three of these consultants have very impressive resumes, some of which have already assisted local churches in our area.
There is much work to be done. We are faithful and excited as we move forward the vision for St. Matthew’s will become clear. As we move forward with this process we will communicate and update the congregation with regular updates. Please feel free to talk to myself, Tim or Joe should you have any questions.
~ Chris Suhy, Rector’s Warden