My dear friends,
Last evening, Bishop Gutierrez sent a letter to the clergy of Montgomery County advising us to close our churches.
Chris Suhy, our Senior Warden and I have consulted with other Parish leaders this evening and we agree that it is best that we close St. Matthew’s for the next two weeks.
Informing our decision were actions by two nearby dioceses, New Jersey and Washington, who have canceled services for the foreseeable future and several parishes near us that have closed.
If you would like to be part of a streamed Episcopal service this Sunday, the National Cathedral will be streaming a service with Presiding Bishop Curry. This service takes place at 11 a.m. on Sunday, March 15th, and is accessible by clicking here or by the link embedded below.
The Wardens of St. Matthew’s
The Rev. Canon Dr. Peter Stube, Interim Rector
PS: Click here to view the most recent update regarding services, events, meetings and more.