COVID-19 Ftr. Peter

Update – Monday, March 16th, 2020

Good afternoon St. Matthews,

Yesterday was the is the first time in 40 years of ministry that I have cancelled Sunday services.  But we have not seen a moment like this in my lifetime.  It is clear that this is the appropriate response to protect you our people, particularly those most at risk.

We your staff are working remotely this week as recommended by Governor and Bishop and CDC.  Tomorrow, the staff and I will meet via Zoom to plan how best to maintain our community life. We will arrange to stream next Sunday’s service a 10:00am.  We are also considering setting up video conferencing for the remaining Lenten Studies and a midweek service at noon on Wednesday.  This will be done using Zoom.  We will send more information on how to use it tomorrow.

Here are some useful websites to assist you in personal and family prayers and to give you up- to-the-date response to Covid-19 from our Bishop and National Church.  The National Church site also offers excellent devotional videos.

  1. Mission Saint Clare provides a free subscription for all of the daily prayer services we Episcopalians call the Daily Office.  This includes Morning Prayer, Noonday Prayer, Evening Prayer and Compline.  It also includes hymns and some sung canticles.  I use it for daily Morning Prayer.  But if other times of the day work better for you and your family there are good options.
  2. This website offers the Morning Prayer service as an audio only.  It also is available daily.
  3. This website from our National Church office provides devotions, Lenten Studies, and other great studies to enhance family devotion.  It also contains up to the moment information of Covid-19 and how to respond.
  4. The Diocese of Pennsylvania has a section on the Covid-19 virus and steps we are taking throughout the diocese.  This includes regular pastoral letters from our bishop.

You may call me any time at 610-304-2539.  I and my staff will be reaching out to you by phone in the days ahead.  
