St. Matthew's Episcopal Church 919 Tennis Avenue | Maple Glen, Pennsylvania 19002 | 215-646-4092

Update – Tuesday, March 24th, 2020

Dearest Parishioners,

I have several important updates to share relating to our life and ministry at Saint Matthew’s:

Suspension of Live Worship
The Vestry and I met several times over the last few days to consider how long we should suspend our worship services and programmatic activities. We were informed that Bishop Gutierrez, in consultation with his colleagues and the CDC, is asking parishes to suspend in-person worship through at least May 4th. This means that we will continue to gather remotely until further notice. The staff, vestry, and I will continue to meet weekly to stay abreast of the evolving Covid-19 situation. Our team is working to create service and education opportunities on Zoom and Facebook. More information is to follow in a separate communication, but here’s a quick peek at what is to come: 

Join Us Tonight
Tuesday, 3/24/20, 7:00-9:00 pm. A Prayer and Sharing Gathering of St. Matt’s 
Open to all. Come as you can, and offer a prayer in this space.
To join the Zoom meeting, click this link:

Continue Giving Where It Counts
All of us will be affected financially as a result of this pandemic. We hope each of you can bless us with your tithes and offerings so that we may care for those who work at St. Matts. Though our church campus is not currently open to you, our staff is still hard at work, providing for the St. Matthew’s Community and Nursery School. If you have additional resources and would like to provide for parishioners who are hit hard by this pandemic, you may make a contribution to St. Matthew’s directed toward the Rector’s Discretionary Fund.  

Theological Reflections
On Sunday, I reflected in my sermon that we are “in a moment that we have never experienced before”. Some of us are afraid. Others fear the economic shortfall. I charge each of you to keep the faith during this time. Below I include a few scripture readings for your study at home, as well as a hymn. Find comfort in them, and perhaps meditate and memorize them if you’d like. This wisdom affirms that all our hope on God is founded. 

  1. Romans 8: 18-27  and 31-39.  This passage puts into perspective the God who is actively engaged in our time of suffering and who sees the end of the story, which we cannot see.
  2. Psalm 23.  This timeless Psalm speaks of the Good Shepherd who is with us in every season and moment of our lives, seeing to our physical needs of food and water, protecting and carrying us in the valley of the shadow of death, providing a feast for us, and offering a place of dwelling with him forever.
  3. “Amazing Grace How Sweet the Sound.” is a hymn and offers incredible hope for us in these moments, which we can not understand or anticipate. Our hope in God enables us to see that our life is fully assured in him.

I am here for each of you, and my “remote door” is always open. May the peace of Christ be with each of you always. 

Fr. Peter