Youth Ministry

ReNew Take-Home VBS 2020

We are excited to announce that Saint Matthew’s will offer a take-home VBS for our children this summer! Experience the feel-good-joy of a camp program that you can easily lead right your own backyard. Our parish theme is ReNew — a feel-good program that takes us through the Parable of the Sower. Together, we will learn all about creation and sustainability from our very own backyards! Appropriate for ages 4 to 11.


7/10 – 7/13:
Parents pick-up materials from Saint Matt’s in shifts.

7/13 at 7:00 PM:
Brief Welcome, Orientation, and Sing-Along (45 mins)
Held Remotely.

7/14 — 7/17:
Enjoy VBS at home!
Optional lunch fellowship on Weds 7/15 at 12:30.
Held Remotely . 

Friday 7/17 at 12:00 PM:
Brief Closing Ceremony(45 mins). 
Held Remotely.

Register Now Before Slots Fill-Up!
We timed it: registration takes about 3.5 minutes! Click here to begin

*ReNew VBS 2020 is a missional offering on behalf of Saint Matthew’s, Maple Glen. There is no assigned cost, but we will accept a free-will offering at the church upon material pick-up. Your offering will support our material and logistics costs.