Rector Search

Update – Search Committee – August 21st, 2020

As of August 18th, St. Matthew’s has been blessed with many responses to our posting for a new full-time rector. All of the candidates are in various stages of discernment, with the Search Committee meeting multiple times per week to keep the process moving for each Candidate. Each Candidate provides us with a cover letter, a resume, and an OTM Profile from the Diocese which details his/her religious history, after which the Search Committee follows an identical set of steps.

  • Review of all of the candidate’s materials, and then meet as a committee to discuss content and determine any follow up written questions we have.
  • Review the written responses, and determine if the candidate moves on to the next step: Zoom Interview
  • The Search Committee divided into two teams, each team responsible for conducting the Zoom Interview with specific Candidates. The Interviews are recorded, with the Candidates permission, so that the rest of the Search Committee can view if unable to attend in person.
  • The Search Committee reaches a consensus on whether to continue with each Candidate, and if so, schedules a second Zoom Interview to ask any outstanding questions.

It has been an exciting, and busy, time since the posting went live in May. The original position posting expires on August 28, but we are going to extend the application window for another month to allow more candidates to apply while we continue to screen and interview the current applicants. We are receiving some excellent responses and are witnessing the breadth of experiences and skill sets available to us.

(Added August 27th) We have completed many Zoom interviews so far and we have recently started on Round 2 of interviews with select candidates!

It is very encouraging. More news to come!


Jon Clark
Trent Coombs
Connie Dee
Antonia Greene-Edwards
Gabrielle Pascuzzi
Karen Sawyer (co-chair)
Manny Sevilla
Roger Sumner
Tim Walsh (co-chair)
Nancy Williams