Rector Search

Update – Search Committee – September 28th, 2020

As of September 25th, St. Matthew’s has been blessed with many responses to our posting for a new full-time rector. The Search Committee has been very busy meeting with the candidates to discern our potential future together. Each candidate provides their own unique set of skills and talents and we learn something from each and every interview that helps us on our path to finding our new rector.

It has been an exciting, and busy time since the posting went live in May. We are receiving some excellent responses and are witnessing the breadth of experiences and skill sets available to us. This is a true blessing to us and a sign of the strength of St. Matthew’s Church. Every candidate has commented about the strong health of our congregation. They also remarked that we are a very desirable destination for any clergy, due to our active congregation, fiscally responsible management and beautiful campus.

We are pleased to announce that we are fast on our way to identifying our finalists. We have completed several second interviews and an on-site interview at St. Matthew’s this month. If mutual discernment with our finalists continues as planned, we would expect to issue a call to our new rector in the near future. We have much to be proud of at St. Matthew’s and our new Rector will help us achieve our goals and dreams that we established in our parish profile.


Jon Clark
Trent Coombs
Connie Dee
Antonia Greene-Edwards
Gabrielle Pascuzzi
Karen Sawyer (co-chair)
Manny Sevilla
Roger Sumner
Tim Walsh (co-chair)
Nancy Williams