COVID-19 Services

Update to In-Person Worship Services

We have some disappointing news, which most of you are probably expecting.

Beginning on Sunday, November 29, we are shifting from the current modified in-person worship service to 100% virtual.  As you are aware, the COVID infection rates are climbing, and we have no reason to expect this trend to reverse anytime soon. We have been watching and hoping for the rates to decline, or even flatten – but they have not.

After having numerous conversations, consulting with Fr. Rodney and reviewing the cautionary directive from the Bishop, we believe the prudent decision is to refrain from in-person services for the foreseeable future. This decision does not come lightly, but we feel by being pro-active with this decision we help protect the health of our congregation, staff and community. Secondly, by making this decision now, we can focus all our energy and planning for the best possible online service experience.

To be clear, this Sunday’s service (November 22) will remain in-person with Fr. Peter, then services on November 29 through December 13 will be streamed on Facebook Live at both 8 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.  We may have additional changes after December 13, as Fr. Rodney will be joining us on December 20.  We plan for Christmas Eve services to also be virtual only, with more details to follow.

I appreciate your patience as we work through the details, but in the meantime, please let me know if you have any questions.


Chris Suhy,
Rector’s Warden