Have you noticed the green tape on our parish hall floors? If you haven’t, take a look during coffee hour!
Eleven Saint Matthew’s youth gathered a few weeks ago to support Nathaniel Mathew in creating this prototype of his Eagle Scout project, a prayer labyrinth. Nathaniel is planning on creating a larger, eco-conscious version of the labyrinth on our church campus later this summer. The final version will be grass-hewn, with a stone path leading to its threshold, and with a small trailhead to direct visitors.
We invite you to test drive the labyrinth in our parish hall throughout July and August anytime you like. Call the church office if you would like to walk it as an individual or a family during non-worship hours.
Nathaniel would appreciate any feedback on the pattern he is proposing. While you’re there, take a look at the art pieces we created as a youth group this year.
If you’d like to donate funds to Nathaniel’s project, please contribute here.