Sunday School Youth Ministry

Youth Sunday: Blessing of the Backpacks and Sunday School/Middle School Open House

Sunday, August 29 is Youth Sunday at St. Matthew’s! Read for details!

Blessing of the Backpacks: All students are encouraged to bring their school backpacks this Sunday! Father Rodney will bless backpacks at each of the services.

Sunday School Open House: Don’t forget to stop by the atriums (in the modular building) after the 9:00 service. All are welcome to stop by, meet the teachers, and either tour the space for the first time, or reacquaint yourselves with the area and the program. Sunday School registration forms will be available, or you can go here: to register online.

Middle School Open House: Stop by Father Rodney’s office (future conference room!) after the 9:00 service to meet the teachers, and learn about our dedicated program for the middle school age youth, called Weaving God’s Promises.