Fr. Rodney Stewardship

2023 Stewardship Letter from the Rector

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. – I Peter 4:10

St. Matthew’s Family,

As many of us gathered outdoors for our annual St. Matthew’s Day celebration on September 18th, there was a collective acknowledgement of how blessed we truly are as a parish community. The beautiful weather only added to the voices of playing children, festive music, joyous conversations, and delicious food. One part of the day that particularly stood out to me was the comments from visitors and newcomers who were overwhelmed by our genuine fellowship and hospitality. Once again, we have been richly blessed by our loving God.

Over the course of these past two years with you (yes, it has been nearly that long already!), I have observed your dedication and determination to this parish throughout everything that has come our way, so much of it beyond our control. But there has been one constant I’ve witnessed and heard, your love for one another in Jesus Christ. It is said that if you truly want to know people watch them under difficult circumstances, for it is only then that you will see their true character. Over these past three years you’ve borne all the changes and upheaval that have come your way and unflinchingly stayed the course. How? A parish can only do this if it has confidence in who it is and who it follows. And so, your character has shined through for all to see as you’ve kept your focus on Jesus Christ.

Thanks to all of you, it has, by the grace of God, been a very fruitful and productive year at St. Matthew’s in so many ways. From newcomers to people returning, from upgrades throughout our facilities to greater involvement with our community, from new opportunities for ministry and fellowship to the return of others, our parish is on solid footing and eagerly looking toward what the Holy Spirit has in store for us.

Therefore, as we gather on Sunday, October 16th for Consecration Sunday, prayerfully consider how you can support St. Matthew’s in the upcoming year. Your financial support enables us to do far more than provide upkeep for our church campus, it is also the pathway for all our ministries, outreach, and mission. Please also consider, as in the aforementioned verse from I Peter, how you can use your God-given talents to serve others here in the name of Christ. We are a parish family gifted with many and various abilities. How would you be willing to use your time, talent, and treasure for the glory of God through St. Matthew’s? How can we better share the blessings that abound in our common life together with others?

With sure and certain confidence, may we continue to serve God and him alone in this sacred place, our church home, our fount of many blessings.

With Love in Christ,


To make pledging easy, we are offering an online formor you can use the pledge card that was mailed. There will be an opportunity at each of our worship services on October 16 to come before the altar and present this pledge card. Alternatively, you can mail it to the church office, or you can email our Parish Manager directly. You can view all of our options online here.

We would ask that you complete your pledge by November 1st, so that we can properly budget for next year.