Fr. Rodney Stewardship

2024 Stewardship Letter from the Rector

Let’s not just talk about love; let’s practice real love. This is the only way we’ll know we’re living truly, living in God’s reality. — 1 JOHN 3:18-19 (THE MESSAGE)

St. Matthew’s Family,

To better align with the practice of the majority of parishes in the Episcopal Church, we have decided to move our annual pledge drive one month later, culminating around the Thanksgiving holiday. Not only is our stewardship of God’s gracious gifts emphasized in the lectionary readings throughout October and November, but Thanksgiving is the opportune time for us to gratefully consider God’s innumerable blessings. Such reflection is certainly important as individuals, but very much so for church communities as well.

Thanks be to God, St. Matthew’s has been richly blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ. We are vibrant and growing — numerically, yes, but more importantly in the Faith. You have responded generously with time, talent, and treasure to our increasing number of outreach and inreach opportunities. Our efforts to increase fellowship have strengthened the bonds among us. We have, in a multitude of ways, become increasingly what we are called to be in Christ — his body, his family, his presence (through the power of the Holy Spirit) in a world that needs to see that witness and mission in action.

After all, love is best expressed as an action given freely. Why? Because of the One who first loved us and gave himself for us, Jesus Christ. God is love in action. So, as Eugene Peterson profoundly phrased the words from I John 3:18-19 in The Message, let’s not limit our expression of love to words alone, let’s back it up with actions. That’s what our parishioners need, that’s what our children need from us, that’s what our community needs, that’s what the world needs. Quite simply, as with anything in life, what we do depends on what we are. With faith-filled generosity and in thanksgiving for our countless blessings, may we, together as the family of St. Matthew’s, never fail to reveal what we are through what we do in the name of Jesus.

Lord willing, we will bring forth our pledge commitments for 2024 on Consecration Sunday, November 26th during all three services. We will also have a festive coffee hour at 10 AM to give thanks for shared blessings at St. Matthew’s. Prayerfully consider your pledge for the upcoming year and its significant impact upon our ability to boldly express the love of God in action.

With Love and Thanksgiving for our common life in Jesus Christ,
