COVID-19 Fr. Rodney

COVID-19 Protocol Updates

St. Matthew’s Family,

As so much around us continues to return to pre-COVID practices, this transition has also been taking place in our common life as a parish.  Some additional changes will take effect this Sunday, June 6th, and another significant one the following weekend.

Beginning June 6th, we can return to full capacity in attendance. Since our sacred space can seat well over 250 people, you are still encouraged to maintain a reasonable distance from those around you. With much rejoicing for many, congregational singing returns as well.  In addition, although it has not been our practice to have coffee hour during the summer months, we will do so this year. Many are eager to reconnect after such a lengthy time, and coffee hour will enable us to rekindle in-person fellowship on Sundays.

What will not change for the foreseeable future is the reception of Holy Communion in one kind only.  The allowance for the return of the chalice must come from Bp. Gutierrez, and he has indicated that this could happen before the end of the year.

Of course, the biggest question revolves around face masks.  The CDC just announced that not only have COVID cases not increased in the three weeks since its announcement to significantly lessen mask restrictions, but they have actually continued to decrease.  Another concern for many is the possibility of a spike in cases following the mass gatherings on Memorial Day weekend.  That is understandable, but, come mid-June, if there isn’t a noticeable increase, it would certainly appear that we are on the right path with easing the use of face masks.

Each parish seems to have its own answer to this question, but this will be our approach at St. Matthew’s.  Assuming no notable increase in cases, we are currently planning to allow those who have been fully vaccinated for at least two weeks to attend services without the need for wearing a face mask on Sunday, June 13th.  If you have not been fully vaccinated, the use of masks will continue until we hear otherwise from the CDC, state, and/or diocese.

In a parish community, all of this is very much a pastoral issue as well.  Within a short period of time, masks will no longer be required for most of us.  Others, especially the majority of our youth, will need to continue wearing them for now. Some have also informed me that, although vaccinated, they will continue to use masks until they feel comfortable without them.  Quite simply, all of us, as brothers and sisters in Christ, need to be supportive and respectful of those who will and will not be wearing masks at St. Matthew’s in the coming months. 

There have, no doubt, been many difficulties and continual changes for over a year because of this pandemic. Nonetheless, the loving presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has been unmistakably interwoven through all these days as well.  St. Matthew’s has truly been blessed, and may our merciful God continue to guide this faithful congregation as we fully return to our common life of worship, fellowship, and outreach.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

In Christ,

Christmas 2020 COVID-19 Fr. Rodney Services

COVID Update

St. Matthew’s Family,

No doubt, this has been a year that has stretched our abilities to be flexible and frequently change plans, but, with Jesus Christ as our anchor of hope, we take these alterations as they come and faithfully put our trust in God.  Now I must share with you another change of plans that will directly affect our worship schedule for Christmas.

Unfortunately, a parishioner at the 8 am Holy Eucharist yesterday (12/20) has tested positive for the COVID virus.  Therefore, the ten people present must now go into quarantine for two weeks or until receiving a negative test result. This does not pertain to those attending the 9:30 am service or those who came to decorate for Christmas. The church and adjacent areas must also be professionally deep cleaned, which is scheduled to take place tomorrow, Tuesday (12/22).

As a result of my having to quarantine, in addition to several members involved in the recording and music aspects of our worship, the services will be held via Zoom.  Here is the updated schedule through the weekend:

December 24th – 3 pm – Family Service with Pageant (Zoom link)
December 24th – 7 pm –  Traditional Service with Blended Music (Zoom link)
December 25th – 10 am – Rite I Holy Eucharist (Zoom link)
December 27th – 9 am – Rite II Holy Eucharist (Zoom link)

Lord willing, we will be able to recommence our streamed services from the church on Sunday, January 3rd. Please keep in your prayers the parishioner who tested positive and the other nine individuals who are now in quarantine, including my family.

I am thankful that we had the opportunity yesterday to finally worship together, even if virtually, and begin our ministry together.  May we, united in faith and mission, glorify God in all places and in all circumstances, giving special thanks this week for the gift of the newborn King.

With Love in Christ,

Christmas 2020 News & Information

COVID-19 Services

Update to In-Person Worship Services

We have some disappointing news, which most of you are probably expecting.

Beginning on Sunday, November 29, we are shifting from the current modified in-person worship service to 100% virtual.  As you are aware, the COVID infection rates are climbing, and we have no reason to expect this trend to reverse anytime soon. We have been watching and hoping for the rates to decline, or even flatten – but they have not.

After having numerous conversations, consulting with Fr. Rodney and reviewing the cautionary directive from the Bishop, we believe the prudent decision is to refrain from in-person services for the foreseeable future. This decision does not come lightly, but we feel by being pro-active with this decision we help protect the health of our congregation, staff and community. Secondly, by making this decision now, we can focus all our energy and planning for the best possible online service experience.

To be clear, this Sunday’s service (November 22) will remain in-person with Fr. Peter, then services on November 29 through December 13 will be streamed on Facebook Live at both 8 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.  We may have additional changes after December 13, as Fr. Rodney will be joining us on December 20.  We plan for Christmas Eve services to also be virtual only, with more details to follow.

I appreciate your patience as we work through the details, but in the meantime, please let me know if you have any questions.


Chris Suhy,
Rector’s Warden

COVID-19 Services

Service Change ~ August 30th and September 6th

On Sunday, August 30th and Sunday, September 6th, Saint Matthew’s will offer in-person worship in the sanctuary at 9:30 a.m. The format will be morning prayer with music.

You must register to attend, as attendance is limited.

Please register here:

As always, the primary goal is to gather in the safest way possible. Therefore, please see here for guidelines that must be followed, as well as what you can expect at the service:

The service will be streamed on Facebook Live. The livestream is also accessible through the church website:

The 8 a.m. outdoor worship service will not be offered.

We hope that you will join us!

COVID-19 Services

Registration for Outdoor Worship Service on August 2nd, 2020

Starting August 2nd, Saint Matthew’s will offer an outdoor in-person worship service each Sunday at 8 a.m., weather permitting. The 9:30 a.m. service will remain livestream-only.

You must register to attend the outdoor service, and attendance will be limited to 25.

Registration link:
(Registration is now open for services on August 2nd and August 9th)

See here for important details:

COVID-19 Services

Update on In-Person Worship Services – July 24, 2020

Saint Matthew’s will return to offering an in-person worship service beginning on August 2nd at 8:00 a.m.

There will only be one in-person worship service each Sunday, and it will be held outside, weather permitting. The 9:30 a.m. service will remain livestream-only. 

You must register to attend the outdoor service, and attendance will be limited to 25.

Additional details, and the registration link, will be posted to both on the church website and Facebook immediately following this Sunday’s livestream service.  

COVID-19 Services

Update on In-Person Worship Services

An update on in-person worship services: Many of you were aware that the clergy and lay leaders of St. Matthew’s were considering a return to limited in-person worship services on July 19th. The primary concern as we move forward is keeping our community safe. Based upon conversations with leaders in our diocese, as well as the upward trend of new coronavirus cases in our area, it has been decided to delay this return. We will continue to update you with information as it becomes available.

COVID-19 Services

Fifth Sunday of Easter – Sermon from Sunday, May 10th, 2020

Ftr. Peter’s sermon from our Sunday service via Zoom on Sunday, May 10th.

Sermon from our Sunday service via Zoom on Sunday, May 10th.

Posted by St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church on Sunday, May 10th, 2020

If you wish to join us on Zoom for next Sunday’s service, please click here for details.

COVID-19 Ftr. Peter Services

Fourth Sunday of Easter – Sermon from Sunday, May 3rd, 2020

Ftr. Peter’s sermon from our Sunday service via Zoom on Sunday, May 3rd.

Sermon from our Sunday service via Zoom on Sunday, May 3rd.

Posted by St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church on Sunday, May 3, 2020

If you wish to join us on Zoom for next Sunday’s service, please click here for details.

COVID-19 Ftr. Peter Services

Second Sunday of Easter – Sermon from Sunday, April 19th, 2020

Ftr. Peter’s sermon from our Sunday service via Zoom on Sunday, April 19th.

Sermon from our Sunday service via Zoom on Sunday, April 19th.

Posted by St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church on Sunday, April 19, 2020

If you wish to join us on Zoom for next Sunday’s service, please click here for details.