Fr. Rodney Stewardship

2024 Stewardship Letter from the Rector

Let’s not just talk about love; let’s practice real love. This is the only way we’ll know we’re living truly, living in God’s reality. — 1 JOHN 3:18-19 (THE MESSAGE)

St. Matthew’s Family,

To better align with the practice of the majority of parishes in the Episcopal Church, we have decided to move our annual pledge drive one month later, culminating around the Thanksgiving holiday. Not only is our stewardship of God’s gracious gifts emphasized in the lectionary readings throughout October and November, but Thanksgiving is the opportune time for us to gratefully consider God’s innumerable blessings. Such reflection is certainly important as individuals, but very much so for church communities as well.

Thanks be to God, St. Matthew’s has been richly blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ. We are vibrant and growing — numerically, yes, but more importantly in the Faith. You have responded generously with time, talent, and treasure to our increasing number of outreach and inreach opportunities. Our efforts to increase fellowship have strengthened the bonds among us. We have, in a multitude of ways, become increasingly what we are called to be in Christ — his body, his family, his presence (through the power of the Holy Spirit) in a world that needs to see that witness and mission in action.

After all, love is best expressed as an action given freely. Why? Because of the One who first loved us and gave himself for us, Jesus Christ. God is love in action. So, as Eugene Peterson profoundly phrased the words from I John 3:18-19 in The Message, let’s not limit our expression of love to words alone, let’s back it up with actions. That’s what our parishioners need, that’s what our children need from us, that’s what our community needs, that’s what the world needs. Quite simply, as with anything in life, what we do depends on what we are. With faith-filled generosity and in thanksgiving for our countless blessings, may we, together as the family of St. Matthew’s, never fail to reveal what we are through what we do in the name of Jesus.

Lord willing, we will bring forth our pledge commitments for 2024 on Consecration Sunday, November 26th during all three services. We will also have a festive coffee hour at 10 AM to give thanks for shared blessings at St. Matthew’s. Prayerfully consider your pledge for the upcoming year and its significant impact upon our ability to boldly express the love of God in action.

With Love and Thanksgiving for our common life in Jesus Christ,


Fellowship Fr. Rodney Outreach

Ministry Opportunities

We have been called by Father Rodney to consider how we might use our time and talents to serve God at St. Matthew’s. There are many ministry opportunities that you might consider. We especially need help in the following areas: Outreach, Inreach, Welcome (Newcomers), Counters, Acolytes, Ushers, and Fellowship. If you would like more information about these ministries, please contact Carolyn Bedics at, or 215-646-4092.

Fr. Rodney

Epiphany House Blessings 2023

Fr. Rodney is available throughout the season of Epiphany (Jan. 6 to Feb. 19) to bless homes. This unique service asks for God’s blessing upon all who live in the home and involves a different prayer for each room. It is a wonderful opportunity to further welcome God into your daily life and home. To sign up, please contact Fr. Rodney directly at

Fr. Rodney Stewardship

2023 Stewardship Letter from the Rector

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. – I Peter 4:10

St. Matthew’s Family,

As many of us gathered outdoors for our annual St. Matthew’s Day celebration on September 18th, there was a collective acknowledgement of how blessed we truly are as a parish community. The beautiful weather only added to the voices of playing children, festive music, joyous conversations, and delicious food. One part of the day that particularly stood out to me was the comments from visitors and newcomers who were overwhelmed by our genuine fellowship and hospitality. Once again, we have been richly blessed by our loving God.

Over the course of these past two years with you (yes, it has been nearly that long already!), I have observed your dedication and determination to this parish throughout everything that has come our way, so much of it beyond our control. But there has been one constant I’ve witnessed and heard, your love for one another in Jesus Christ. It is said that if you truly want to know people watch them under difficult circumstances, for it is only then that you will see their true character. Over these past three years you’ve borne all the changes and upheaval that have come your way and unflinchingly stayed the course. How? A parish can only do this if it has confidence in who it is and who it follows. And so, your character has shined through for all to see as you’ve kept your focus on Jesus Christ.

Thanks to all of you, it has, by the grace of God, been a very fruitful and productive year at St. Matthew’s in so many ways. From newcomers to people returning, from upgrades throughout our facilities to greater involvement with our community, from new opportunities for ministry and fellowship to the return of others, our parish is on solid footing and eagerly looking toward what the Holy Spirit has in store for us.

Therefore, as we gather on Sunday, October 16th for Consecration Sunday, prayerfully consider how you can support St. Matthew’s in the upcoming year. Your financial support enables us to do far more than provide upkeep for our church campus, it is also the pathway for all our ministries, outreach, and mission. Please also consider, as in the aforementioned verse from I Peter, how you can use your God-given talents to serve others here in the name of Christ. We are a parish family gifted with many and various abilities. How would you be willing to use your time, talent, and treasure for the glory of God through St. Matthew’s? How can we better share the blessings that abound in our common life together with others?

With sure and certain confidence, may we continue to serve God and him alone in this sacred place, our church home, our fount of many blessings.

With Love in Christ,


To make pledging easy, we are offering an online formor you can use the pledge card that was mailed. There will be an opportunity at each of our worship services on October 16 to come before the altar and present this pledge card. Alternatively, you can mail it to the church office, or you can email our Parish Manager directly. You can view all of our options online here.

We would ask that you complete your pledge by November 1st, so that we can properly budget for next year.

Fr. Rodney

Epiphany House Blessings

Fr. Rodney is available throughout the season of Epiphany (Jan. 6 to March 1) to bless homes. This unique service asks for God’s blessing upon all who live in the home and involves a different prayer for each room. It is a wonderful opportunity to further welcome God into your daily life and home. To sign up, please indicate your interest going to or contacting Fr. Rodney directly at

Fr. Rodney

A Celebration of New Ministry; The Institution of Rev. Rodney Roehner as Rector

Your prayers and presence is requested as our parish celebrates a new ministry; The Rev. Rodney Roehner will be instituted as Rector of Saint Matthews on Wednesday, December 8th at 6:00 PM. Our bishop, The Rt. Reverend Daniel G.P Gutiérrez will preside over the service. A reception follows and all are welcome.

For those who cannot attend physically, our Facebook livestream will broadcast the service.

RSVP is kindly requested by calling the Parish Office, or by heading to:

View/download the service bulletin.

Fr. Rodney Stewardship

2022 Stewardship Letter

“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”   Colossians 3.17

St. Matthew’s Family,

This past year-and-a-half has undoubtedly given us reasons to pause and reflect on many things in life, especially those that mean the most to us. What gives it purpose? What are those aspects of it that endure no matter what may come our way? Those answers will vary for each of us, but I have little doubt that ‘family and friends’ would be found near or at the top of the list for most.

It would be an understatement to say that 2021 has been another year that has required of us continual adjustments to, as one of our historic Anglican prayers states, ‘the changes and chances of this fleeting world.’ But there is one thing that I have noticed during my time among you. No matter what may happen, through pandemic and storms and disruptions, the reason St. Matthew’s means so much to so many is that it is home; a place to not only worship our merciful and loving God, but to do so among ‘family and friends’. That is a priceless gift.

What gives all of those valuable and enduring relationships even greater significance and meaning is because of the one who first loved us, who incorporates us into his family, who even calls us ‘friends’, and that is Jesus Christ.  Even amidst so much upheaval in our common life these past two years, we can still confidently move forward because we place our hope and trust in the One who will never change or fail us or let us go.

Therefore, my brothers and sisters in Christ, my ‘family and friends’ at St. Matthew’s, may everything we do in word and deed be our song of thanksgiving in response to our Great God.  Despite all that has happened, we have been blessed. We have grown. We are healthy. We are moving forward in the Faith as part of the family of Christ. That is what endures. That is what changes and gives meaning to our lives.

May we call to mind these innumerable blessings as we prayerfully consider our commitment in the upcoming year to St. Matthew’s with our time, talent, and treasure.  As a parish, we have weathered the storms of these past two years thanks to your generosity and dedication. And now that we are faithfully moving together into this next chapter of our church family’s history, we seek your further involvement to embolden our mission and ministry at St. Matthew’s.

We gratefully acknowledge all of you who have not only fulfilled your pledge commitment for the current year but have even exceeded it.  We appreciate the efforts made by so many of you to regularly submit your pledges even by weekly mail!   We thank those of our parish family who have resumed their giving within this past year. We also extend an invitation to those who have not given of their financial gifts to step forward in faith and in thanksgiving for our many blessings.  You are all vital and needed members of this parish family.

It is only appropriate that we begin this year’s emphasis on our continual stewardship of God’s bounty on St. Matthew’s Day, which we will be commemorating on September 26th.  May we rejoice and express our gratitude together during this yearly celebration for all that our Lord has done among this blessed gathering of ‘family and friends’.  Also, please note that October 17th will be our Consecration Sunday, and it is on that day that we will come forward to the altar during the services to offer our pledged offering to God for the upcoming year.  There will also be a festive coffee hour on that day to recognize our common life together.

“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” May this verse from St. Paul be for us far more than a theme for an annual pledge drive. May it be the hallmark of who and what we are as the family of St. Matthew’s; an enduring characteristic of how we live the Faith which is readily visible to all who look at our example.

With Love in Christ,

Rev. Rodney Roehner

To make pledging easy, we are offering an online formor you can use the pledge card that was mailed. There will be an opportunity at each of our worship services on October 17 to come before the altar and present this pledge card. Alternatively, you can mail it to the church office, or you can email our Parish Manager directly. You can view all of our options online here.

We would ask that you complete your pledge by November 1st, so that we can properly budget for next year.

COVID-19 Fr. Rodney

COVID-19 Protocol Updates

St. Matthew’s Family,

As so much around us continues to return to pre-COVID practices, this transition has also been taking place in our common life as a parish.  Some additional changes will take effect this Sunday, June 6th, and another significant one the following weekend.

Beginning June 6th, we can return to full capacity in attendance. Since our sacred space can seat well over 250 people, you are still encouraged to maintain a reasonable distance from those around you. With much rejoicing for many, congregational singing returns as well.  In addition, although it has not been our practice to have coffee hour during the summer months, we will do so this year. Many are eager to reconnect after such a lengthy time, and coffee hour will enable us to rekindle in-person fellowship on Sundays.

What will not change for the foreseeable future is the reception of Holy Communion in one kind only.  The allowance for the return of the chalice must come from Bp. Gutierrez, and he has indicated that this could happen before the end of the year.

Of course, the biggest question revolves around face masks.  The CDC just announced that not only have COVID cases not increased in the three weeks since its announcement to significantly lessen mask restrictions, but they have actually continued to decrease.  Another concern for many is the possibility of a spike in cases following the mass gatherings on Memorial Day weekend.  That is understandable, but, come mid-June, if there isn’t a noticeable increase, it would certainly appear that we are on the right path with easing the use of face masks.

Each parish seems to have its own answer to this question, but this will be our approach at St. Matthew’s.  Assuming no notable increase in cases, we are currently planning to allow those who have been fully vaccinated for at least two weeks to attend services without the need for wearing a face mask on Sunday, June 13th.  If you have not been fully vaccinated, the use of masks will continue until we hear otherwise from the CDC, state, and/or diocese.

In a parish community, all of this is very much a pastoral issue as well.  Within a short period of time, masks will no longer be required for most of us.  Others, especially the majority of our youth, will need to continue wearing them for now. Some have also informed me that, although vaccinated, they will continue to use masks until they feel comfortable without them.  Quite simply, all of us, as brothers and sisters in Christ, need to be supportive and respectful of those who will and will not be wearing masks at St. Matthew’s in the coming months. 

There have, no doubt, been many difficulties and continual changes for over a year because of this pandemic. Nonetheless, the loving presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has been unmistakably interwoven through all these days as well.  St. Matthew’s has truly been blessed, and may our merciful God continue to guide this faithful congregation as we fully return to our common life of worship, fellowship, and outreach.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

In Christ,

Fr. Rodney Services

Communion under Special Circumstances

Please note that Communion under Special Circumstances has been discontinued. If you have any special needs regarding Holy Communion, please reach out to the Parish Office at 215-646-4092.

Fr. Rodney is now offering “Communion under Special Circumstances,” based on the version found on pgs. 396-399 of the BCP. It is a brief service that enables those who are not ready to return to in-person worship to still come to church and receive Holy Communion.

Please watch the short video below for more details.

Things to know: this service is only between you and Fr. Rodney, all are masked, you will take the host as Fr. Rodney says the appropriate words, and it takes no longer than five minutes.

Please contact Fr. Rodney to make an appointment or ask further questions.

Throughout the month of October 2021, Fr. Rodney will be offering a drive-thru version of ‘Communion Under Special Circumstances’ in the lower parking lot on Sundays from 12 to 12:30 p.m. This is an opportunity for those who haven’t been coming to church due to the ongoing pandemic to receive Holy Communion and offer prayers at St. Matthew’s!

Fr. Rodney explains about Communion under Special Circumstances

Posted by St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church on Friday, February 26th, 2021
Fr. Rodney

Get Acquainted with Father Rodney

Father Rodney would like to become better acquainted with you and your family, so we are planning some “Get Acquainted Meetings” by Zoom this January. If you prefer a meeting by telephone, please contact the church office. 

Each meeting will be limited to eight sign-ups (families). Please register as a family, i.e. do not count all individuals who will be online. 


The scheduled meetings are:

  • Thursday, January 14 @ 7:00 p.m.
  • Friday, January 15 @ 10:00 a.m.
  • Tuesday, January 19 @ 1:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, January 20 @ 7:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, January 27 @ 10:00 a.m.
  • Thursday, January 28 @ 7:00 p.m.

Zoom link:

Each meeting will last 90 minutes. Meetings will be moderated to ensure everyone has a chance to talk. 

The questions for discussion will be:

  • Introductions—How long you’ve been at Saint Matthew’s church.  What brought you to Saint Matthew’s church?
  • Church Strengths—Identify one strength of Saint Matthew’s Church (that hasn’t already been shared).
  • Ministry Experiences–Describe your ministry work at Saint Matthew’s Church and what excites you about this work. 
  • Desires for Saint Matthew’s Church—Identify one desire for Saint Matthew’s future (that hasn’t already been shared).

Father Rodney is looking forward to meeting you and your family and becoming better acquainted.  Remember, if you prefer a personal phone call, please contact the church office at 215-646-4092. 

 The Welcoming Committee