Fr. Rodney

Today’s Unrest ~ A Prayer for Peace

Almighty God, who hast given us this good land for our heritage: We humbly beseech thee that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of thy favor and glad to do thy will. Bless our land with honorable industry, sound learning, and pure manners. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion; from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way. Defend our liberties, and fashion into one united people the multitudes brought hither out of many kindreds and tongues. Endue with the spirit of wisdom those to whom in thy Name we entrust the authority of government, that there may be justice and peace at home, and that, through obedience to thy law, we may show forth thy praise among the nations of the earth. In the time of prosperity, fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the day of trouble, suffer not our trust in thee to fail; all which we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. BCP p. 820

St. Matthew’s Parish Family,

No doubt many comments and editorials will be offered between this evening and tomorrow about the events that unfolded in our nation’s capital. I  simply offer the above petition for our country from our Prayerbook tradition.  How beautifully it brings to the fore so many of our hopes and desires as a people, but, rather tellingly, all resting upon a singular truth; without God we cannot stand.  But it is God that has been pushed repeatedly further out of our common life, and yet still remains the only one who can restore us to truly be the United States of America. How?

Today, January 6th, also happens to be the Feast of the Epiphany, the doorway into a season that highlights God’s manifestations among us, of the light of Christ come to drive out the darkness. As I mentioned in my sermon this past Sunday, that light most frequently continues its manifestation here and now through us, working in humble unity with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 

That is what we must boldly embody as the body of Christ at St. Matthew’s; a place where our bonds in Jesus are far greater than any divisions we may have concerning things of incomparably less worth, a place where anyone who enters our doors is assured of their worth as a child of God, a place sought out for how sacrificially it strives to build up others for the sake of the Kingdom.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, may we be that light that allows no room for the darkness.

Be assured of my love and respect for each and every one of you, and I pray for a Christ-filled Epiphany season for us all.


Christmas 2020 COVID-19 Fr. Rodney Services

COVID Update

St. Matthew’s Family,

No doubt, this has been a year that has stretched our abilities to be flexible and frequently change plans, but, with Jesus Christ as our anchor of hope, we take these alterations as they come and faithfully put our trust in God.  Now I must share with you another change of plans that will directly affect our worship schedule for Christmas.

Unfortunately, a parishioner at the 8 am Holy Eucharist yesterday (12/20) has tested positive for the COVID virus.  Therefore, the ten people present must now go into quarantine for two weeks or until receiving a negative test result. This does not pertain to those attending the 9:30 am service or those who came to decorate for Christmas. The church and adjacent areas must also be professionally deep cleaned, which is scheduled to take place tomorrow, Tuesday (12/22).

As a result of my having to quarantine, in addition to several members involved in the recording and music aspects of our worship, the services will be held via Zoom.  Here is the updated schedule through the weekend:

December 24th – 3 pm – Family Service with Pageant (Zoom link)
December 24th – 7 pm –  Traditional Service with Blended Music (Zoom link)
December 25th – 10 am – Rite I Holy Eucharist (Zoom link)
December 27th – 9 am – Rite II Holy Eucharist (Zoom link)

Lord willing, we will be able to recommence our streamed services from the church on Sunday, January 3rd. Please keep in your prayers the parishioner who tested positive and the other nine individuals who are now in quarantine, including my family.

I am thankful that we had the opportunity yesterday to finally worship together, even if virtually, and begin our ministry together.  May we, united in faith and mission, glorify God in all places and in all circumstances, giving special thanks this week for the gift of the newborn King.

With Love in Christ,

Christmas 2020 News & Information

Fr. Rodney Transition Committee

A Letter from Fr. Rodney Roehner

St. Matthew’s Family,

Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  My family is greatly anticipating the beginning of our ministry alongside all of you in mid-December, and we give thanks for the call to serve such a vibrant and faithful parish. There is also the added blessing of returning home not just to ‘Philly’, but to the same area in which we once lived.

It was two months to the day from when I submitted my materials for the position of rector to the time the offer came to lead St. Matthew’s.  Considering how lengthy your entire process was that may seem quick, but (and I’ll be glad to share those stories!) every step of the process was Spirit-led, open, engaging, and filled with joy.  My family found everyone on the search committee, Vestry, and staff to be good and faithful people, and it is obvious that you have a passion for your church home. Now we look forward to the opportunity to meet the rest of you and hear your stories and prayers for St. Matthew’s.

I also want to commend all of you for your resilience and faith.  St. Matthew’s has been through quite a bit these past two years with the retirement of your rector of 34 years, the assistant priest, and now the ongoing disruption caused by the pandemic.  Yet, even amidst such change, my encouragement to all of you is fear not.  We are upheld in the arms of a merciful and loving Lord, and, by focusing solely on him, we can confidently live out the words of St. Paul, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).

My family is planning to move the week of December 6th, and our first Sunday with you will be December 20th. By that time, we will be deep into the season of Advent, and with it, the theme of the coming of Jesus among us; something that occurs not just at his birth and coming again in glory, but each and every day of our lives.  Together, may God grant us the grace to boldly take hold of those opportunities, and may that transforming message of hope, of joy, of that peace which passes all understanding be at the heart of all we do as the body of Christ at St. Matthew’s.

With Love in Christ,

A video message from Fr. Rodney

Posted by St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church on Sunday, November 15th, 2020

This is an exciting time of new vision for St. Matthew’s, and the Transition Committee hopes that you will join us in making the Roehner family feel the love of our community. We know the hospitality and warmth of this blessed place abounds. 

Send a Word of Welcome
Say hello to Fr. Rodney and his family by sharing a word of welcome here.  Entries will be compiled into a parish-wide welcome card. You may also choose to write a physical card and mail it to Saint Matthew’s Church, c/o Anthony Carrella. 

Recommend Favorite Local Opportunities 
Submit a recommendation of your favorite restaurants, recreational, cultural, and family opportunities in the area here.

Purchase Groceries for the Pounding of the Pantry
Sign-up to purchase grocery staples here as we pound Fr. Rodney’s pantry.

Prepare and Deliver a Home-cooked Meal
Sign-up to make a family-style meal during over a six week period here

Donate Toward a Welcome Gift Contribute toward a gift card for Fr. Rodney (under $50) here. Click “Make an Online Gift” and you may choose a gift type. Alternatively, you may also choose to send your contribution to Saint Matthew’s Church, c/o Carolyn Bedics.

PS: In addition to these opportunities, we are also planning:

Meet and Greet Forums, in person and via zoom, to be coordinated with Fr. Rodney and staff in the months ahead. 

A Celebration of a New Ministry, a remarkable liturgy from the Book of Common Prayer, will take place in the over the coming months. Stay tuned for updates.