Father Rodney and Anthony invite all adults, children, and youth to join us for a special Stations of the Cross service being held this Friday, March 5 at 7:00 PM. If you are unfamiliar with the stations, or are unsure if they are suitable for your family, take a look at the resource below.
We pray that you or your family will consider joining us. Click here to access our service this Friday at 7:00 PM.
Stations FAQ
What are Stations of the Cross?
A journey-story that invites individuals to walk with Jesus to the very foot of the cross. Especially common on the Fridays in Lent, the Stations are a series of short devotions where we read scripture, observe sacred art, and reflect on the crucifixion.
Where does the tradition come from?
After the death and resurrection of Jesus, it is said his mother Mary would walk where her son had walked on his journey to the cross – pausing here and there to recall something that had happened at that spot. From these walks grew the early Christian practice of walking the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem, a tradition that continues to this day.
Why do we observe the Stations?
The community of faith has been walking the stations for centuries, and the tradition enables individuals to make a spiritual pilgrimage through Jerusalem without really being there.
Should my child or youth attend the stations?
We hope so! While the stations are not for everyone, our aim is to introduce the story of Jesus’ crucifixion in an accessible, developmentally sound fashion. If your child has attended our CGS program in the past, they have encountered the story before. Please note: there may be challenging moments for young participants. We invite parents with children to stick around after the devotion to ask questions and wonder with us.
Click here to join us this Friday 3/5 at 7:00 PM. If you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to reach out to Anthony or +Rodney. We hope to see you there!