Bieler Funeral & Memorial Garden Interment

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church - Sanctuary 919 Tennis Ave, Maple Glen, PA, United States

A memorial service for Charles L. Bieler, II & Karen Bieler will take place on Saturday, September 25, 2021 at 10:00AM. Interment in the Memorial Garden at St. Matthew's will […]

van Steenwyk Funeral

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church - Sanctuary 919 Tennis Ave, Maple Glen, PA, United States

This memorial service will take place in the sanctuary, but will also be livestreamed. For the best experience, we recommend viewing the livestream directly on Facebook. The livestream can also […]

Sturges Funeral

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church - Sanctuary 919 Tennis Ave, Maple Glen, PA, United States

Edward Furman Funeral

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church - Sanctuary 919 Tennis Ave, Maple Glen, PA, United States

A visiting hour with the family will begin at 9:45 a.m., with the service commencing at 11:00 a.m.

Wallace Dunning Funeral

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church - Sanctuary 919 Tennis Ave, Maple Glen, PA, United States

Geoffrey Thomas Funeral

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church - Sanctuary 919 Tennis Ave, Maple Glen, PA, United States

Receiving hour will begin at 9:30 a.m. Interment immediately follows the service in the memorial garden.

Funeral – Carol Farley

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church - Sanctuary 919 Tennis Ave, Maple Glen, PA, United States

Wister Baisch Funeral

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church - Sanctuary 919 Tennis Ave, Maple Glen, PA, United States

Gary Landis Funeral

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church - Sanctuary 919 Tennis Ave, Maple Glen, PA, United States

Visitation with the family starting at 9:30 a.m.

Jack J. Fanizzi Jr. Memorial Service

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church - Sanctuary 919 Tennis Ave, Maple Glen, PA, United States

Interment immediately following in the St. Matthew's Memorial Garden.