Wister Baisch Funeral

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church - Sanctuary 919 Tennis Ave, Maple Glen, PA, United States

Kee Baptism (private)

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church - Sanctuary 919 Tennis Ave, Maple Glen, PA, United States

Cherrin Baptism (private)

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church - Sanctuary 919 Tennis Ave, Maple Glen, PA, United States

Carrullo Baptism (private)

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church - Sanctuary 919 Tennis Ave, Maple Glen, PA, United States

Gary Landis Funeral

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church - Sanctuary 919 Tennis Ave, Maple Glen, PA, United States

Visitation with the family starting at 9:30 a.m.

Moyer/Reynolds Wedding

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church - Sanctuary 919 Tennis Ave, Maple Glen, PA, United States

Jack J. Fanizzi Jr. Memorial Service

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church - Sanctuary 919 Tennis Ave, Maple Glen, PA, United States

Interment immediately following in the St. Matthew's Memorial Garden.

Greg Rowe Memorial Service

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church - Sanctuary 919 Tennis Ave, Maple Glen, PA, United States

Visiting time with family begins at 9:00 a.m.

Betty & Lew Parry Memorial Service

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church - Sanctuary 919 Tennis Ave, Maple Glen, PA, United States

Visiting time with family begins @ 9:30 a.m.  Interment in the St. Matthew's Memorial Garden immediately following the service.

LaValla Rehearsal

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church - Sanctuary 919 Tennis Ave, Maple Glen, PA, United States

LaValla Wedding

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church - Sanctuary 919 Tennis Ave, Maple Glen, PA, United States

Zakrzewski Wedding

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church - Sanctuary 919 Tennis Ave, Maple Glen, PA, United States