Middle School Sunday School
St Matthew's Episcopal Church - Conference Room 919 Tennis Ave, Maple GlenWeek of Events
Middle School Sunday School
Middle School Sunday School
Please join us this year for a new Middle School program. We will be using the Weaving God's Promises curriculum as our guide for discussions.
Adult Forum
Adult Forum
At our meeting time each Sunday (both in-person and via Zoom) this group engages in rich conversation about the week’s topic. We unpack the scriptures together and wonder about their application in our daily lives. We close our sessions by surrounding each other with heartfelt support, discerning counsel, and transformational prayer. We invite you to […]
CGS Sunday School
Evening Prayer & Lenten Supper
Evening Prayer & Lenten Supper
All are welcome to gather in the sanctuary for Evening Prayer, followed by a Lenten supper in the parish hall. Throughout Lent, Fr. Rodney will then lead us through Adam Hamilton's book, 24 Hours that Changed the World, which focuses on the last 24 hours of Jesus' earthly life. Paperback and Kindle versions of the […]