Our most-attended weekend service follows the Rite II services (modern language) from the Book of Common Prayer. The contemporary music is led by our Arise Music Team. This service is both in-person and available via Livestream.
Our most-attended weekend service follows the Rite II services (modern language) from the Book of Common Prayer. The contemporary music is led by our Arise Music Team. This service is both in-person and available via Livestream.
This memorial service will take place in the sanctuary, but will also be livestreamed. For the best experience, we recommend viewing the livestream directly on Facebook. The livestream can also be accessed here on the Parish website.
Our most-attended weekend service follows the Rite II services (modern language) from the Book of Common Prayer. The contemporary music is led by our Arise Music Team. This service is both in-person and available via Livestream.
At our meeting time each Sunday (both in-person and via Zoom) this group engages in rich conversation about the week’s topic. We unpack the scriptures together and wonder about their application in our daily lives. We close our sessions by surrounding each other with heartfelt support, discerning counsel, and transformational prayer. We invite you to […]
Our most-attended weekend service follows the Rite II services (modern language) from the Book of Common Prayer. The contemporary music is led by our Arise Music Team. This service is both in-person and available via Livestream.
Trunk or Treat is back! This event will be held on Why just decorate your house? Sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/SMEC-Trunk to decorate your trunk, have fun, and bring joy to all our trick-or-treaters.
At our meeting time each Sunday (both in-person and via Zoom) this group engages in rich conversation about the week’s topic. We unpack the scriptures together and wonder about their application in our daily lives. We close our sessions by surrounding each other with heartfelt support, discerning counsel, and transformational prayer. We invite you to […]
Saint Matthew’s offers its campus as a community polling location during each election cycle. For those planning on casting their vote at the church this year, the sanctuary will be open on November 2nd from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM for quiet reflection and discernment. All are welcome.
Saint Matthew's will honor the faithful departed on All Soul's Day by holding a solemn Holy Eucharist on Tuesday, Nov. 2nd at 6:00 PM. We invite worshippers to join us in remembering their loved ones by providing us with their first and last name(s). Head to https://tinyurl.com/SMEC-remembers to add names to our community memorial. Submissions are […]