Our most-attended weekend service follows the Rite II services (modern language) from the Book of Common Prayer. The contemporary music is led by our Arise Music Team. This service is both in-person and available via Livestream.
All are welcome to gather in the sanctuary for Evening Prayer, followed by a Lenten supper in the parish hall. Throughout Lent, Fr. Rodney will then lead us through Adam Hamilton's book, 24 Hours that Changed the World, which focuses on the last 24 hours of Jesus' earthly life. Paperback and Kindle versions of the […]
Our most-attended weekend service follows the Rite II services (modern language) from the Book of Common Prayer. The contemporary music is led by our Arise Music Team. This service is both in-person and available via Livestream.
All are welcome to gather in the sanctuary for Evening Prayer, followed by a Lenten supper in the parish hall. Throughout Lent, Fr. Rodney will then lead us through Adam Hamilton's book, 24 Hours that Changed the World, which focuses on the last 24 hours of Jesus' earthly life. Paperback and Kindle versions of the […]
Our most-attended weekend service follows the Rite II services (modern language) from the Book of Common Prayer. The contemporary music is led by our Arise Music Team. This service is both in-person and available via Livestream.
Join our parish for Multi-age Egg Hunts from 5:30-6:00 PM. Then, a Liturgy of the Light from 6:00-6:30 PM. Reception to follow. All are welcome! RSVP by going to: tinyurl.com/Eggs-perience
Our most-attended weekend service follows the Rite II services (modern language) from the Book of Common Prayer. The contemporary music is led by our Arise Music Team. This service is both in-person and available via Livestream.
Our most-attended weekend service follows the Rite II services (modern language) from the Book of Common Prayer. The contemporary music is led by our Arise Music Team. This service is both in-person and available via Livestream.