St. Matthew's Episcopal Church 919 Tennis Avenue | Maple Glen, Pennsylvania 19002 | 215-646-4092

Lessons and reflections for the 18th Sunday After Pentecost, October 8, 2017

Isaiah 5:1-7 Philippians 3:4b-14 Matthew 21: 33-46 The prophet Isaiah paints the scene of a vineyard that is lovingly established by its owner.  It is clear that the vineyard is the…

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Saint Matthew’s Day 2017

On September 24th, we celebrated our patronal feast day.  Our annual celebration includes a combined service beginning at 10:00 a.m. and then a parish picnic immediately following.  Each year, it…

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Lessons and Reflections for the 17th Sunday after Pentecost, October 1, 2017

Exodus 17:1-7 Philippians 2:1-13 Matthew 21:23-32 In the reading from Exodus, we hear the people of Israel contending with Moses over the lack of water. Their complaint to Moses is…

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Photos from our 50th Anniversary Celebration

September 10th, 2017 was the 50th anniversary of the first worship service at Saint Matthew’s.  To celebrate the occasion, the parish held a catered brunch for everyone.  Photos of the…

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Lessons and Reflections for Saint Matthew’s Day, Sunday September 24, 2017

Proverbs 3:1-6 Timothy 3:14-17 Matthew 9:9-13 Dear Friends, In place of the usual readings for the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, we celebrate the saint for whom both our Parish and one of the…

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50 years

It began in the living room of Harry and Phyllis Barbin. With them were John and Margaret Vose and Roger and Marilou Haydock, to discuss the idea of a new…

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Sunday School this Fall

This fall holds many exciting new additions for our children’s religious formation at St. Matthew’s.  We are implementing a toddler atrium space for children from 18–35 months, in addition to…

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25 years offering Nursery School

This year the Nursery School will open on Monday, September 11, 2017 and it will be the 25th anniversary year! Twenty five years ago Evelyn Randolph began the nursery school…

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