Middle School (Grades 6-8)
This program is held at 9 a.m. on most Sunday mornings during the school year. For specific meeting dates and locations, please consult the Parish calendar.
Weaving God’s Promises is a three-year Episcopal curriculum for middle-school youth. The program weaves Episcopal history and theology into fun and engaging activities. Youth learn how God’s promises of salvation are inextricably woven into our lives. Class sessions are structured around the Holy Eucharist, and the curriculum features special sessions for the seasons of the church year. Through this curriculum, we hope to foster the spiritual formation and growth of our children in Christ’s love and mercy, to teach the spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation, and to send our children out into the world as Christ’s ambassadors, inviting youth to consider the implications of each lesson for social justice and life in community.
Confirmation Small Group
In the Episcopal Church, confirmation is a sacramental rite where a baptized individual makes a mature commitment to their faith. During the confirmation service, the confirmand publicly affirms the promises made on their behalf at baptism, if they were baptized as an infant, or reaffirms them if they were baptized as an adult. This rite is also an opportunity to receive the laying on of hands by a bishop, who prays for the Holy Spirit to strengthen and guide the confirmand in their faith journey.
Confirmation marks a deeper connection to the Church and its mission, symbolizing the individual’s commitment to live as a disciple of Christ. It is typically preceded by a period of preparation that includes study, prayer, and reflection on the Episcopal tradition, scripture, and the responsibilities of Christian life.
In the Episcopal tradition, confirmation is also seen as a way to formally join the Episcopal Church if someone has been baptized and confirmed in another denomination. It’s a step of personal faith and engagement within the community of the Church.
Confirmation Small Group is a breakout session for confirmands and inquirers. Want to learn more about the confirmation process? Get in touch with us today to learn more.