Sunday Worship Times
7:45 a.m. – Rite I Service, Holy Eucharist
Historic service of the Anglican tradition using traditional language. There is no music at this service.
9:00 a.m. – Rite II Service, Holy Eucharist with Contemporary Music (Also offered via Livestream)
Our most-attended weekend service follows Rite II (modern language) from the Book of Common Prayer. The contemporary music is led by our Arise Music Team.
10:30 a.m. – Rite II Service, Choral Eucharist
A classic Rite II service (modern language) from the Book of Common Prayer that is complemented by organ music and singing by our choir or selected vocalists.
About our Worship
If you are familiar with the Episcopal Church and its worship, you will find that St. Matthew’s offers a breadth of services not commonly found in many of our churches, and one that reflect the richness of our liturgical tradition. Each Sunday, we offer a traditional Rite I Holy Eucharist at 7:45 a.m., which recalls the historic roots of our Anglican tradition and the beautiful rhythms of its centuries-old language. We then move seamlessly into our 9 a.m. Rite II Holy Eucharist, which combines the well-known structure of a service from the Book of Common Prayer with the vibrant and highly participatory sounds of contemporary music. Finally, we offer at 10:30 a.m. a Rite II Holy Eucharist that calls to mind the rich heritage of Anglican choral music with organ and choir.
If you are unfamiliar with the Episcopal Church and its worship, the services are comprised of two main parts: The Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The first is comprised of prayers, several passages from Holy Scripture, and a sermon. The services then move into an affirmation of our faith, prayers for various intentions, a general confession, and exchanging of the peace with one another. The heart of the Liturgy of the Eucharist is consecrating bread and wine to become Holy Communion. Finally, we give thanks and receive a blessing before reentering the world renewed and bearing the light of Christ.
Holy Communion
In the Episcopal Church, all baptized Christians are welcome to receive Holy Communion during the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. If you have not been baptized or do not desire to receive Holy Communion, you may still come forward, cross your arms over your chest, and receive a blessing from the priest.
Receiving Holy Communion is typically done by kneeling at the altar rail, but, if unable to do so, standing is acceptable as well. The custom is to place your right hand, palm up, on top of your left; holding them out to receive the ‘host’ (the small, bread wafer). When the priest places the host in your hand, it is then consumed.
The wine is best received by gently grabbing hold of the base of the chalice and slightly tipping it toward your mouth. You may also dip the host into the wine, if you so prefer.
Am I welcome at St. Matthew’s?
Know that everyone is made in the image of God, and it is the calling of all to build up others to live fully into that gift from our Creator and Redeemer. Historically, the Church has long been referred to as a ‘spiritual hospital’, a place where we can all go to be welcomed, healed, and transformed. Therefore, St. Matthew’s welcomes all of God’s children into our family regardless of the many divisions this world creates to keep us separated. You will find much diversity within our St. Matthew’s family from age to finances to ethnic background to family situation to beliefs to, yes, even politics!
Is childcare available?
Sunday School is open to children ages 3 through Grade 5, and runs throughout the school year. Those in Grades 6-8 are welcome to participate in a program designed for middle-school youth. Both programs begin at 9 a.m. and run until 10:15 a.m.
Is there a dress code?
Not at all. Feel free to wear whatever makes you comfortable.
How long is the service?
Our services typically last about an hour.
Do you have an assistive listening system?
Yes, we have a hearing loop, also known as an induction loop. This assistive listening system enhances audio accessibility for individuals with hearing aids or cochlear implants by transmitting sound directly to the device. It eliminates background noise, interference, and acoustic distortion, ensuring clear and uninterrupted audio.
Is parking available?
There are two main entrances and parking lots giving access to the church buildings. The upper lot, visible from Tennis Avenue and to your right as you enter the drive, provides handicapped access and is the most immediate way to the Sanctuary and Parish Hall. At the bottom of the main drive, the lower lot also provides direct access to the Sanctuary and the Nursery School.
If your questions aren’t answered here or you would like further information, please do not hesitate to call the church office at 215-646-4092 or email Fr. Rodney at